Comparison of Kernel Smoothing and Local Polynomial Smoothing Method in Overcoming Age Heaping


  • Nadia Arsyta Putri Politeknik Statistika STIS
  • Erni Tri Astuti Politeknik Statistika STIS
  • Lalu Moh Arsal Fadila Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Lombok Barat
  • Salsabil Syadza Hafizhah



age heaping, Whipple Index, Myers Blended Index, Local Polynomial Smoothing, Kernel Smoothing


Age data plays an important role in every aspect yet there are found age misreporting. It involves digit preference that causes build up in a certain age. Digit preference in demography is called age heaping that often happens at age with 0 and 5 as the last digit. Age heaping induces poor data quality and data bias that could influence government policy making. Two indicators used to detect age heaping are Whipple Index (WI) and Myers Blended Index (MBI). Methods to cope with age heaping are nonparametric regression approaches which are Kernel Smoothing and Local Polynomial Smoothing. The objective of this research is to measure and elevate the quality of population age data and population mortality data in Sensus Penduduk (SP) 2020 as well as comparing methods between Kernel Smoothing and Local Polynomial Smoothing. The data being used in this paper is SP2020 which the research variables are age population, age of death, and total population. The result shows that the data quality of total population death is inaccurate compared to total population thus needs a smoothing process to improve age data to population data accuration. The method that has better accuracy is the Local Polynomial Smoothing method.




How to Cite

Putri, N. A., Astuti, E. T., Fadila, L. M. A., & Hafizhah, S. S. (2023). Comparison of Kernel Smoothing and Local Polynomial Smoothing Method in Overcoming Age Heaping. Proceedings of The International Conference on Data Science and Official Statistics, 2023(1), 501–515.