Development of FASIH Application for the Badan Pusat Statistisk using Flutter Framework


  • Riofebri Prasetia Prasetia Politeknik Statistika STIS
  • Lutfi Politeknik Statistika STIS



Fasih, Flutter, Kotlin


One of the data collection methods used by the Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) is Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). Currently, CAPI, known as FASIH, is continuously updated by BPS using the Kotlin programming language, which can run on the Android platform. It is possible that FASIH will be needed in a multiplatform form. However, there is an alternative for multiplatform application development, namely Flutter, which can be used in the development of FASIH. Nevertheless, BPS has not conducted any study on the development of the FASIH application using Flutter, hence the strengths and weaknesses of implementing this technology in FASIH application development remain unknown. Therefore, the author aims to conduct a study on the development of the FASIH application utilizing Flutter. The application development is carried out using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) Prototyping method. The resulting application is tested using black box testing and performance testing using a third-party application, Apptim. The black box testing results indicate that the application meets the functional requirements of stakeholders. In terms of performance, the Kotlin version of FASIH outperforms the Flutter version. However, Flutter has an advantage in accelerating development time. Additionally, concerning user interface development, the Flutter version of the FASIH application can run on multiple platforms. Nevertheless, further integration is required to ensure the proper functioning of the Flutter version of the FASIH application.

Author Biography

Lutfi, Politeknik Statistika STIS

Lutfi Rahmatuti Maghfiroh, S.S.T., M.T., adalah seorang lektor dan Sekretaris Program Studi DIV Komputasi Statistik. Ia memiliki minat penelitian dalam bidang rekayasa perangkat lunak, interaksi manusia dan komputer, manajemen database, dan simulasi berbasis agen.

Ia telah menerbitkan sejumlah artikel ilmiah yang relevan dengan minat penelitiannya. Beberapa di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. "STIS at the NTCIR16-DataSearch 2 Task: Ad-hoc Data Retrieval Ranking with Pretrained Representative Words Prediction" - Proceedings of the 16th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies (2022)

  2. "Penerapan Klasifikasi Kueri untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Mesin Pencari" - Seminar Nasional Official Statistics 2021 (1)

  3. "Perbaikan User Interface Menggunakan Usability Testing dan Pendekatan Human-Centered Design" - Seminar Nasional Official Statistics 2021 (1)

  4. "A Scientific Review Based on QFD of The Guideline for Developing Higher Education Curriculum in Indonesia: An Application in The Government-Affiliated Institution" - The 26th International Symposium on QFD (ISQFD) 2021

  5. "Development of Student Character Achievement Index Web using Combination Method of Rational Unified Process and Goal Directed Design" - International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) 2021

Selain publikasi tersebut, Ia juga terlibat dalam beberapa proyek penelitian di Politeknik Statistika STIS, seperti simulasi berbasis agen untuk mengevaluasi penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia, dan penelitian tentang interaksi manusia dan komputer serta manajemen metadata.

Ia memiliki latar belakang pendidikan yang mencakup gelar DIV dalam Komputasi Statistik dari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Statistik pada tahun 2011. Selanjutnya, ia melanjutkan pendidikan magister dan memperoleh gelar Magister Teknik Elektro dengan jalur pilihan layanan teknologi informasi dari Institut Teknologi Bandung pada tahun 2017.

Di bidang pengajaran, Ia telah mengampu mata kuliah seperti Basis Data, Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak, Pengolahan dan Penyajian Data I, Interaksi Manusia dan Komputer, Pengantar Teknologi Informasi, dan Statistika Deskriptif.

Selain berkontribusi dalam bidang akademik, Ia juga memiliki pengalaman profesional sebagai Sekretaris Program Studi DIV Komputasi Statistik, Fungsional Dosen Program Studi DIV Komputasi Statistik, serta sebagai staf di Biro Administrasi Akademik dan Biro Umum.




How to Cite

Prasetia, R. P., & Maghfiroh, L. R. M. (2023). Development of FASIH Application for the Badan Pusat Statistisk using Flutter Framework. Proceedings of The International Conference on Data Science and Official Statistics, 2023(1), 798–809.