What We Know from Telemedicine Data in Indonesia? Study case using Alodokter, Dokter.id, and Honestdocs
The internet and technology development arise in various aspects of life in Indonesia, including in the health sector with e-health. Telemedicine utilization as a form of e-health was still rare among Indonesians because its existence is not as much as e-commerce that is more related to the economic sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has limited people's movement to get health care, but it made people use telemedicine in Indonesia. This research aims to analyze telemedicine utilization in Indonesia and see the health phenomena captured in the data. This research uses descriptive analysis and text mining to determine the utilization of telemedicine with the Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) methods. In addition, a literature review is also used to identify the potential use of telemedicine data in collecting health statistics in Indonesia. The results show that telemedicine has been widely used in Indonesia. The clinical teleconsultation data and article titles on telemedicine produce various health topics. Therefore, telemedicine data can potentially be used as a source for collecting health statistics.